meet the most wondrous object in the universe
It’s powerful. It’s mysterious. It’s the most important organ in your body. Whether you’re asleep or awake, your brain governs every breath you take and every move you make. And yet we know so little about how it works.
Welcome to Firefly, a charitable organization dedicated to helping bright young minds unlock the mysteries of the brain. We offer learning programs that excite and engage young people who love science and have a passion for how the brain works.
take your brain to camp this summer
Want to learn more about how your brain works? Meet scientific experts and entrepreneurs doing brain research in the real world? Hang out with kids who share your passion for brain science?
Register for Bright Lights in the Lab 2025 or apply for a Scholarship.
programs we support
Since the beginning, we’ve designed, delivered and sponsored programs that support learning and research in neuroscience. Our support has extended from kids as young as grade 5 to world-renowned neuroscience researchers. Current programs focus on grades 8 to 12 because they are the next generation of explorers and innovators.
Learn more about our programs
give every bright mind a chance to shine
Every bright young mind has boundless potential. By donating to our Firefly Scholarship Fund, you’ll be giving students who would not otherwise have the opportunity a chance to join our Bright Lights in the Lab program.
Donate today