a message from our founder

A firefly is a single, magical point of nature's light, a moment of brightness that inspires us each and every time we catch a glimpse of it. 

In this spirit of wonder and illumination, Firefly Foundation was founded to help bright minds in the world of neuroscience transform their very best ideas into brilliant discoveries. It is also about inspiring everyone to help their brain stay bright and healthy.

Firefly is a tribute to my parents, Herbert and Elizabeth Anspach. Both were bright lights, a professional and personal  inspiration to many, and a source of illumination and inspiration to me. Unfortunately both were stricken with neurodegenerative diseases later in life. 

To commemorate the light they brought to the lives of all who knew them, the Herbert K. and Elizabeth M. Anspach Family Foundation was set up as the founding patron of Firefly, which officially launched in December 2006.

- Heather McKenzie Anspach Fraser, Founder

give every bright young mind a chance to shine!